Facial trauma which is also known as maxillofacial trauma is one of the most commonly seen cases in the field of the oral surgery in dentistry. There are different types of facial trauma or maxillofacial trauma which can see in the patients who come for the treatments at the dental clinics. Deformities seen in the facial trauma cases can be caused by the sports injuries, crashes, vehicle accidents as well as falls. The severity and the complexity of the deformities are determined by the location of the deformity of the facial trauma as well as the related structures associated with the traumatic area.
The signs and symptoms of the deformities caused by the facial trauma include some of the most common symptoms like pain. Along with this the bruises can be seen on the face of the patient which are helpful in detecting the condition of the patients. Many face undergo change in the regular organ appearance and have increased swelling in the affected area. This creates a lot of discomfort and makes them to feel discomfort continuously thus distracting them in their regular routine. In many of the serious cases, there are fractures seen in the orthopantomograms or radiographs taken for the affected area. With the help of these diagnostic methods, the dentists and associated operative team can create a treatment for the patients according to their priority. This ensures that the functioning of the affected parts can be resorted in a proper way without compromising on the aesthetic features of the face of the patients. The aesthetic features are kept as a priority so that the patients can be completely happy and satisfied with the results of the procedures performed after the incident has occurred.
Facial trauma can be treated successfully and many cases have e treated very tactfully by teams of dentists and surgeons who have made it a point to ensure quality to the patients with the way of effective surgeries and treatments. Proper medications are prescribed by the physicians so that the patients can recover in a better way without facing any kind of post-operative side effects. Thus, it is important to diagnose similar cases on time and ensure that the patients are able to get well within an estimated period of time. Airways are treated with the help of tracheostomy which is very commonly used and most successful types of treatment done in the cases of facial trauma. Moreover, patients are monitored at proper intervals so that the patients can get back to their original condition in a much better state. Nasal packing is done in case of excessive and uncontrolled bleeding from the nose and surrounding nasal structures. Suturing is done once the wounds are treated and then they are taken out after there is proper healing of the wounds on the face of the patients. In this way, the team of doctors can treat the patients in the best possible way and ensure a speedy recovery in most of the facial trauma related deformity cases.